The Demon of Prophecy

I dreamed that I had the true gift of prophecy.

I knew this because I found an old note of mine that said that one day, I would be invited to do a job with ERinin California at which there would be many unpaid accounts which I would get in legal and financial trouble for attempting to bill. I was absolutely convinced this was a true prophetic message.

Anyhow, Al (my militantly materialistic atheist friend) found out about it, and he kept asking to see the slip of paper on which I had written the prophecy, and he would put it in his pocket or “accidentally” throw it away or some other means of surreptitiously destroying it, but I always asked for it back.

Each time I did, he would grow more enraged, and his features would become more bestial and demonic, and he would devise an even more complicated scheme to get ahold of the prophecy. I finally stopped giving it to him altogether, since I knew by that point he wanted to obliterate any evidence of a supernatural (religious) gift. Eventually, by the end, he was nothing but a mass of teeth and malformed appendages, and when I refused to give him the paper, he attacked me, and I woke up.

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